
#5liner feat. Shawn Armorer of BDC Alchemy Part 2

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This is a power packed brew you don’t want to miss. Shawn Armorer is brewin’ solutions and you need to get you some of this
Find a communication style that works for you, and then create a consistent and regular approach to following up with your sold and unsold customers. Strategically following up with every customer using a systematic process will result in better relationships with your customers and more money in your pocket.
Shawn is the owner and founder of BDC Alchemy. He is 20 year seasoned automotive BDC growth expert with career revenues exceeding 40 million dollars. As a BDC growth expert, he assists automotive dealerships in architecting revenue generating BDC departments. By surgically dialing into the BDC department, he strategically aligns the BDC initiatives with those of the sales & service departments in order a to achieve sustainable business growth. With humble beginnings washing cars, he understood earlier on that to truly get results that generate sustainable revenue, our focus needs to be at the systems level as opposed to the results level. Shawn has committed his career’s work to building BDC departments that function like a well-oiled machine. Creating and implementing successful sales structures, fixed operation models, customer service processes, marketing and data analytic strategies, Shawn has become a galvanized industry authority on building customer focused operating models also known as BDC.
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