
Fast Trackers – Vol. 2 – #5Liner pt 1 – Shawn Hays – Sales Hustler

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Mark Zuckerberg says, “The only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Shawn Hays is a #FastTracker that took the road less traveled. When taking risks, you have to be confident that you will finish on top of the mountain, and that you are destine to be there. Many people give up and just try to stay comfortable and never reach their potential. Shawn is the opposite. He takes chances and tries to be better than he was the day before. Part 1 of This #5LIner lets this Fast Tracker tell his story and his reasons for why he is on the mission he is on. Get your cups ready for the Special Brew.  This Brew Brought By Think Ad Group Inc. 

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